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Learn and get Certified in our Internationally Recognized Courses!

The word “Bhakti” means devotion, divine love.
It reminds us that the highest goal in life is love.
Love is the highest aspiration of the soul.

200hr RYT - Teacher Training

A self-transforming experience in which you will get a better understanding of yourself. Helping you integrate your practice so you can teach others.

300hr RYT - Profesorado de Yoga Avanzado

Si está interesado en una formación internacional para profesores de yoga en un hermoso entorno de retiro, ¡este curso es para usted!

Yoga for Health and Wellbeing

Our heatlh is a combination of body and mind. Understanding our mental and emotional parts we can mantain and improve our physical health through Yoga.

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“Yoga is Connection and Community.”


More Courses and Certifications so you can learn and experience deeper into your own spiritual path!

Visit us soon!